Antalya Airport Alanya Transfer

Antalya Airport Alanya Transfer prices starting from 250 TL per person.

Transfer from Antalya Airport to Alanya by shuttle car.

Antalya Airport Alanya Transfer Details

The transfer service is very popular for those traveling from Antalya Airport to Alanya. Alanya is located about 125 kilometers east of Antalya and it takes about 1.5 - 2 hours to get to Alanya from the airport. Transfer services offer a comfortable, safe and comfortable journey.  Click here for Reservation.

How much is the price per person ?

It depends on the location you are going to in is Decatur to vary between 250 TL and 300 TL.

How many vehicles are there?

it is for 17 people.

How many hours does the trip take?

The journey takes 2.5-3 hours.

How should I pay?

Pay paying Online Or you can pay the driver.

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